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Banking Write for Us

banking imageBanking, or the banking system, is the set of entities or institutions that, within a given economy, provide the bank service.

Banks are organizations whose main activities are the raising and placement of resources, that is, obtaining money from individuals, companies, or other types of organizations and with these resources, giving credits to those who request it.

Where does banking get its money?

However the bank is dedicated to collect money from people who get interested in exchange depending on the type of account where they deposit it. Further capital for loans to individuals, companies, or organizations that request them in exchange for paying interest; this is what is called placement, moreover it allows money to be put into circulation to activate the economy.

Other banking functions

Likewise Depending on the laws of the countries, banks can fulfill additional functions to those mentioned above; for example, trading stocks, government bonds, currencies of other countries, etc.

When these activities are carried out by a single bank, it is called universal banking or multiple banking. Likewise, these activities can be carried out separately by banks specialized in one or more operations in particular. Also it is called specialized banking.

Regardless of the types of banks, they allow money to circulate in the economy so that the money that some people or organizations have available can pass to others who do not have it and who request it. In this way, it facilitates the activities of people and organizations and improves the performance of the economy in general.

Also, in recent years a new model has emerged, ethical banking that works on concepts such as transparency and social utility, two of its fundamental principles, as explained here.

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