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Use Technology to Increase Your Audience

Use Technology to Increase Your Audience

No matter what you do, whether you’re an influencer, own a retail business, or a local church, it’s important to use every tool at your disposal to reach as big of an audience as you can. While the old-fashioned ways of spreading the word and stirring up talk still have their uses, there is no question that in order to have the most people interacting with you, you need to use technology. If you find you’re not quite as savvy as you would like in this area, don’t worry! We are going to walk you through four different ways you can take advantage of technology so that more people will find you.

Connect With Your Audience Via Texting Services

One strategy that might not immediately come to mind is finding a way to connect with the people who already know you. If you can get your current audience talking about you, it’s more likely that they will talk about you to someone they know.

For a religious organization, this might look like using church texting services to contact your entire congregation at once. Remind your members about the changed time for Bible study or the latest charity you’re raising money for. If you work in retail or an e-commerce site, this might look like sending a mass email to anyone who has ordered from you in the past. This is a great way to push a new product or send an exclusive coupon to encourage them to shop from you again.

Up Your Design Game

If your website looks bad, has a lot of broken links, or isn’t formatted properly for mobile devices, people will move on to something that is. It isn’t always in the budget to find a website designer, so look up some graphic design tips to help you get started and get better at doing it on your own. This is especially helpful if you’re trying to start up a blog or become an influencer. If you want people to listen to you and your opinion about things, you need to be able to make yourself appealing.

Edit Your Content

Year after year, Youtube is one of the most visited websites on the internet. People want to watch videos about anything and everything. If you want to make yourself stand out, you need to make videos and edit them well. Even if you are a retailer, making a video of your product and how it’s used can be exactly what a potential customer needs to click the purchase button. There are many different kinds of editing software and apps on the market today. You can easily find the best editing software to meet your needs, and there are even some free options. You may not have the budget right now to splurge on the most expensive software but remember, you get what you pay for when it comes to these programs.

Take Advantage of Search Engines

While YouTube is one of the most popular websites on the internet, it has yet to top the king of the online world, Google. The sites at the top of its search engine get far more traffic than the sites farther down, not to mention those on the second page. If you can find a way to get your website higher in a wider variety of searches, you will find yourself reaching way more people than you could before.

Google and other sites like it use algorithms to determine which things are given higher priority over others. As you learn more about search engine algorithms, you can find ways to update your content to rank higher. Of all the things listed so far, this may be the most important because landing higher than a similar business or organization on Google will give you a very real leg up over the competition.

No matter how much of what you do is online, you won’t get off the ground if you are not able to influence real people in real ways. Technology is a great tool that you can use to do this. If you can learn how to do it more than your competition, you will find yourself at the top of more than just a search engine. So there you have it, four ways you can use technology to increase the influence of you or your business.

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