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What are the 5G trends to expect in 2021?

What are the 5G trends to expect in 2021?

5G trends to expect in 2021

Telecommunications has paved the way for 5G revolution with brand new trends. Availability of the fifth-generation wireless technology on a wider scale will bring new experiences as it continues to improve existing use cases with its network readiness and strengthened connectivity. Proceeding with the development of new-age wireless networks is worth watching with several latest trends coming up this year in 2021 and disrupting the entire ecosystem soaring high in a positive direction. Here are some of the trends that would be an eye catcher in 2021 as we collected this information from various online sources:

5G and Edge Computing clubbed to process networks from the edge

A variety of new use cases will gain life with 5G and edge computing technologies placed together. Wireless networks like 5G will bring innovation with its ultra-fast speed data transferring capability not only on the devices but also at the edge of each network. Many enterprises started investing in Internet of Things (IoT) due to disruptions caused by coronavirus pandemic in 2020. Additionally, smart home devices attracted consumers making it one of the top demanding applications last year. With the increase in number of IoT devices in business and home space, computing and processing power at the edge becomes extremely critical to serve these IoT solutions and applications with data usage needs in presence of excellent network connectivity.

Deployments of 5G Core (5GC) will accelerate

As more and more networks will opt for deploying multi-mode cores to support 4G, 5G Non-standalone (NSA) and Standalone (SA) mode, 5G Core will be enabled at a faster pace serving these requirements. Services for network slicing and lower latency will pick up high speed due to shift towards distributed network services as an impact of COVID-19. Developing end-to-end network with slices and correct network nodes is essential and requires mobile network operators (MNOs) to perform 5G speed tests, assuring all the nodes are working perfectly as expected and is serving the particular use case for which it’s been segmented from the entire network.

Advanced 5G services are in high demand

Automated applications in vehicles, machines, and services such as Automated Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), gaming will have broader trials and deployments in 2021. Though gaming and autonomous vehicles have gained success in markets such as South Korea and Japan respectively, widespread commercial success is yet to be achieved.

Private 5G wireless networks will find its way

2021 has been mentioned as the year when 5G New Radio (NR) technology will boost up 5G technology performance as expected to be delivered to the commercial audience. Simultaneously, we are likely to witness some of high-profile organizations mainly governments establish their own private networks with 5G to secure it from security breaches that is basically prevalent in public networks and still gaining all the benefits of 5G. 5G test equipment market will have a better scope to develop 5G security-based solutions to test before and after deployment and pave the way for 5G private networks successfully. The initial version of private 5G networks would be focused on IoT networks as it will receive greater benefits with added security enabled in private networks whereas the increased density and enhancements in speed will create more advanced IoT applications.

Digital transformation enabled by 5G wireless network

5G is the talk of the town with its enhanced capabilities to make everything go digital from common people to businesses. For instance, supply chains for large retailers and manufacturers will witness brand new efficiencies in-built with next-gen technologies namely Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data powered by 5G technology. Moreover, Off the shelf hardware options based on virtual and cloud solutions increase in manufacturing and other sectors as it can be easily customized as per the business need saving operational costs and time to process it.

Heightened 5G security measures to be in place.  Cyber world got a new cybersecurity term ‘SASE’ fully known as Secure Access Service Edge recently and is gaining huge traction while giving support to offices and remote employees via a cloud-based security and access services. One of the pivotal requirements in 5G is to have tight security measures as it is more prone to cyber-attacks. Having a virtualized platform needs more security and securing this hybrid digital cloud-enabled open structures with strict security measures will drive a new edge for network and application security and management.


2021 is expected to be the game changer with various new technologies bringing a new revolution in the 21st century. 5G deployment is taking up a huge pace and so are the new trends ready to transform every industry with its new-age technological inventions to support them. Mobile network operators are anticipated to expand and continuously update their network infrastructure so that the commercial implementation 5G wireless networks is accelerated in 2021. As a result, it will enhance the use cases that is being developed for multiple enterprises across industries and create innovations in the business ecosystem making more profits in the post-COVID era.

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