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Benefits of Working with a Shopify Plus Partner Agency

Benefits of Working with a Shopify Plus Partner Agency

Benefits of Working with a Shopify Plus Partner Agency

An affiliate program (or an affiliate program for a website) is a way to increase sales through cooperation between a seller and his partners. This format is most commonly used in B2B.

The main difference between this method and other types of advertising is payment directly for the result. For example, a seller pays partners a percentage of purchases made by advertising on their site. Another type of payment is for clicks (or clicks to a target resource) or for impressions, but it is less common. Shopify development company.

The advantage of affiliate sites for making money is that this method can significantly reduce the cost of an advertising campaign. Also, attracting end consumers is a plus of the affiliate program. In the modern world, partner programs are increasingly used by car dealers, travel agencies, airlines. In affiliate marketing, there are two parties – a seller (aka advertiser) and a partner (a person providing a platform for advertising – a marketer, webmaster, site owner).

Benefits of Working with a Shopify Plus Partner Agency


* constant support: as a rule, in an affiliate program you are not left on your own, but work with a manager who is ready to come to your aid and answer the necessary questions. In addition, if you recommend yourself well, you can negotiate with this person and knock out pleasant conditions for yourself;

* choice: affiliate networks often have offers from different advertisers for different GEOs. You can experiment and launch an advertising campaign for several product categories;

* stable payments: depending on the payment model used by the affiliate program, most often you receive payment once a month, and sometimes even at your own request. You don’t have to wait long, and when the money is visible, the work goes better;

* you do not need to look for advertising, negotiate with him and prove your expertise, and the only one with whom you constantly communicate is the manager. Even if you have no experience, you will not be left without work and will be able to achieve success in arbitration.

Such cooperation is mutually beneficial for them. If the former get new customers, the latter get a percentage of sales. This is the main principle of the work of affiliate programs for making money on the Internet. Shopify custom theme development.

It is clear that in the description and name of goods you need to use keywords – just like in a store on any other engine. The engine contains decent built-in statistics, conveniently structured and reasonably detailed. She draws information from Google Analytics, with which you can sync the store in the settings. It is possible to connect Facebook Pixel, as well as use a variety of marketing applications to attract and retain the attention of visitors, increase the volume of traffic.

Additionally, you can connect other external services to collect statistics, set up marketing through social networks and mailing lists, instant messengers and other means of communication with registered and new customers. Using sales channels (Amazon, eBay, Houzz, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) is also a good way to increase the volume of a site’s link mass, and of course, sales. Stores on Shopify are fully promoted, they have no problems with ranking in search engines.

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